Gardena Municipal Bus Lines.

GMBL operates fixed-route bus service in the South Bay region of Los Angeles County.  In June 2o13, the agency tasked MLG Transit Consulting with providing technical assistance for the procurement and installation of a new security camera system for their bus fleet.  Project elements included:

  • Researching the bus camera industry
  • Contacting peer agencies to identify best practices
  • Obtaining feedback from bus operators, supervisors, mechanics, and law enforcement personnel
  • Developing a cost estimate and technical specifications for a RFP
  • Evaluation of RFP responses
  • Completing vendor reference checks

VIA Metropolitan Transit.

Partnering with Celtis Ventures, MLG and Celtis were tasked in 2014 with updating and expanding standard operating procedures for San Antonio's bus and paratransit operations.  The project includes bus (road) supervisor, radio dispatch, and facility dispatch functions.

VIA Metropolitan Transit.

Partnering with Celtis Ventures and Creative Civilization, MLG provided technical assistance in 2015 on a series of New Freedom Grant funded video shorts and marketing brochures aimed at transit riders to get better acquainted with VIA and its services.

Access Services.

Access Services is the second largest paratransit operation in the United States.  Tasked with providing ADA service in Los Angeles on behalf of 45 transit operators, Access has an annual budget of more than $160 million.  MLG Transit Consulting assisted Access Services in 2013-14 to review and improve its safety programs.  Elements of work included:

  • Enhancing use of the fleet's SmartDrive video camera system.
  • Analyzing collisions, injuries and claims 
  • Developing safety policies and Worker's Compensation claim investigation procedures
  • Implementing a program for facility inspections
  • Evaluating the paratransit driver training program
  • Conducting an industry peer review of safety programs
  • Updating the Illness and Injury Prevention and Emergency Preparedness Plans

MLG Transit Consulting